What is AskDona?
AskDona (AskDona) is an AI assistant incorporating RAG technology that gives answers by giving external information to Large Language Models. Since it is possible to control the source of information answered by generative AI, it can be used for daily work as a unique generative AI assistant tailored to the purpose and application.
Are you talking to AI or Human?
Alan Turing published a paper called “Computing Machinery and Intelligence.” in 1950. The paper says, “Can computers think like humans? “Can machines think?” In response to this discussion, we conducted an experiment called the Turing Test (imitation game) to prove that machines can also think and learn like humans.

The Turing test is a chat format where humans communicate in a chat format where they don't know whether the other party is a human or a machine, and it is described that half a century after the experiment, there is a 70% chance that humans will be in a state where they don't know whether the person they are talking to is a machine or a human.

AskDona's “Dona (Donna)” is the Japanese “who?” It is derived from I don't know if the person at the end of the conversation is a person or AI. The name “askDona (askDona)” contains the wish that workers will grow up to be practical and high-quality AI assistants.
AskDona for micro-moments
A “micro moment” is a term proposed by Google in 2015, and it is a moment when people think “I want to do something” and reflexively perform an action such as searching or making a purchase with a device in front of them.

AskDona aims to be a generative AI assistant that can respond with touch points of “Know (I want to know),” “Go (I want to go),” and “Buy (want to buy)” the moment it is born in a “micro moment.”

AskDona has a mechanism that allows you to respond via multiple SMS, SNS, business chats, and the web from a single RAG. ASKD has now applied for a patent for AskDona's mechanism.
Options for utilizing generative AI in business
When using generative AI in practice, there are several options.

RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation)
Objective: To expand information by imparting external knowledge to LLM. Cost and time: relatively cheap and fast. Difficulty level: Simple because it gives external information to large-scale language models such as ChatGPT.

Objective: To be able to do an LLM with specialized knowledge. Cost and time: Relatively expensive and takes longer than RAG. Difficulty level: Since LLMs such as llama3 are subject to additional learning, it takes less man-hours than constructing a large-scale language model.

Large Language Models
Objective: To create a new LLM using only in-house learning data. Cost and time: Expensive and takes longer than RAG or fine tuning. Difficulty level: Annotation effort etc. are required to build a language model in full scratch.
Why is AskDona a RAG
The reason why AskDona has been built around RAG is that it is cost-effective and has low implementation hurdles in applying generative AI in practice.

This is because large-scale language models are based on data, and if the data is not in a state where the data is prepared or designed, there is a possibility that the usefulness of the model constructed over time will not be demonstrated.

First, AskDona exists as RAG generation AI so that it can understand areas where tasks can be left to generative AI by incorporating RAG into the workflow, follow the procedure of preparing data, and embark on more advanced initiatives.

Businesses considering introducing generative AI should first consider introducing it with an application that utilizes RAG.
AskDona's Solution
The problem AskDona solves is ”Shortfall in human resources”.

It is said that around 2030, “general-purpose artificial intelligence,” which can handle various intellectual issues just like humans, will be realized.
It is becoming known that AskDona can actually handle the work of several people with one person's annual income. Since we are in an age of labor shortages, I think we are being required to work efficiently and smartly by making good use of generative AI in our work.

Generative AI is a technology that will be democratized. AskDona removes hurdles and makes it easy for anyone to introduce generative AI.
AskDonaは、情報探索の時間を削減する生成AIチャットボットとしてRAGの回答精度を向上してきました。現在AskDonaは回答生成だけではなくタスクを実行できる生成AIアシスタントとして成長しています。なぜ、生成AIエージェントではなく生成AIアシスタントなのか?生成AIエージェントは定義が明確になっていませんが、Googleが I/O Bangaloreで発表したProject Oscar(オープンソース開発チームがソフトウェアプログラムを管理するためのAIエージェント)のように今後、タスクを実行するだけではなく、自律的に業務を実行するAIエージェントが注目されています。AskDonaはAIエージェント化を目指す一方、現場の業務の課題解決と向き合うことに重きを置いており、現在はタスク指向を実行する段階としてAIアシスタントとしての位置付けとなっています。

Everyday tasks with AI assistants
